Off Topic Cafe


January 11th, 2008

_finaldecember @ 11:40 am: Okay, I know this kind of survey isn't everyone's bag, but I think it could be an interesting way to get to know other people's musical tastes. And possibly, it could spark some discussion about the artists listed. So, once you go past the cut, just fill out the survey OR you can go ahead and say something about any of the artists I've listed in my answers to the survey. If you want, you can go ahead and tell me you hate the artists. That's perfectly fine. Also, if you just want to tell me that you think What's-his-face from one of the bands is "so hot!", at least say WHY you think they're good-looking, alright? Okay, so....

On to the survey! )

Current Mood: creative
pen @ 08:34 pm: HALP ME, OTC!!
I can't find my digital camera in my small studio. Where could it be?

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