April 2008

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March 17th, 2008

[info]capnjacksparrow in [info]off_the_map

Negotiations ((Jack and the selkie - semi-open))

Upon making port in Tortuga, Jack dealt out a share of the ship's wealth to each of the remaining crewmen who wanted off ship and sent them ashore. Some planned to take on with other crews, others were simply hoping to purchase passage home to their families for a while. It mattered very little to Jack. The pirate just wanted to keep his new ship and crew it with men who did not have a history of forcing sex on a creature wearing his face. There was just something far too unsettling in that. He keeps on as few of the Dutch crew as possible.

Once the distribution of wealth had been settled up, Jack took to shore with a bag of supplies to trade off and took the selkie along with him. He made his way to a familiar brothel and paid the madam for a private room for himself and his companion for a few hours.

On the dirty bed of the whore house, Jack opens the swag bag and takes out the selkie's skin. Now time's come for the trade off and he's made sure it happens inside and a good ways from the water. He won't have the seal just running off on him.

"Now then, you'll have yer skin back and yers t'keep, as promised. An' you'll be granting a wish of mine, as per yer own end of the wager, will you not? Simple and quick as that? Course, you'll never make it t'water without being caught. Not from here. An' even once you've hit water, well, you'll be caught again, likely as not and kept as pet on another ship."

He doesn't much trust in the selkie's promises and he doesn't want the thing feeling too terribly confident about escape. It's awfully useful, besides.

[info]capnjacksparrow in [info]off_the_map

Going on account ((Open))

Jack leads the selkie into the Jolly Roger. He tells him they're going to get a better crew; one safer for the both of them. The selkie is taken down to a less ridiculous level of ruffles for the time being, though he still looks like Jack's simple minded fop cousin. They take a seat at a table where Jack takes out a quill, ink and a piece of parchment from the bag. He truly hates doing this himself, but he hasn't yet found Gibbs. Damnedable drunk. Probably spent himself utterly destitute and had to take on with a crew for a bit. That, or someone's shot the bastard. It would be a real shame.

After a while with little to no attention --aside from a whore who comes by to slap Jack and demand monies owed-- Jack climbs onto the table to rile up a bit of attention for their cause. He needs at least a few men to replace those lost, damn it. They'll never get that overly decorated Dutch monstrosity out of port with just the few hands they have.

"Gentlemen! Who among you possesses the fortitude to sail under a pirate flag and face terrible dangers in places here-to unknown to man in pursuit of wealth immeasurable?!"