The OOC Community For Odd_Forks' Journal
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Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    How much do they really know?
    So this has been brought to my attention when reading.

    We know the Simms, Parry's, Garwins, and the Danvers family go way back.
    We know the Cullens have moved back to Forks, and We know that the Quileute tribe has also been around for god knows how long.

    My real question is if these family's have been around since the early... I forget so lets say just waaay back when. How much do the current blood lines know about one another. How much do we want one another to know, for the sake of plot lines and such.

    If there is anything certain groups should know about the other, let is be said here.

    Current Mood: tired

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