Odd Forks: A Twilight/The Covenant Crossover RPG's Journal
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Saturday, March 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    Baby Boy chilling in a Forks cafe
    Who: So far it’s just Tyler, but I’m open for any sort of company. Possibly a Twilight character to mingle the universes? It’s up to you because I’m up for anything. This could easily be a ‘Tyler on his own’ contemplative sort of post, too, if no one answers. No pressure.
    What: Tyler’s feeling lonely, but instead of seeking out wild company with the other sons he’s just sort of isolating himself even more.
    Where: I figured that Forks is too small to have an equivalent to Ipswich’s Nicky’s, so I invented a locale where people can hang out. Very homey, very comfy…
    When: Saturday night’s alright alright… It’s the same Saturday night as all of the current threads in this game are set in. After Confessions. You get my drift, right folks?

    mmm chocolatey beverage )

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