paradigm → out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
paradigm → out of character

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[08 Jun 2009|12:06pm]
All right, folks, I don't want to say this, but it must be said. This is my jumping-ship notice. This has been one of the THE best games I've ever played in, bar none, and it's because all of you are wonderfully fantastic. I don't really want to leave, but the game appears to be quite dead, and it is increasingly difficult to write anything for my characters here—even though I love them to itty bitty pieces (as I adore a lot of your guys' characters, too!). In addition to that, I know I have on-going plot with many of you, thus, I want to do them and all of you justice by officially leaving, and hope that I continue to talk and/or play with you in future.

Please, please, don't hesitate to IM me, even if it's just to chat; perhaps we can even talk PSLs (private storylines!), or something to that effect! I hope that the game does pick up, so I can come back and re-app for my characters, but I feel this needs to be done.

So thank you all for the super sweet ride, and here's to the awesome of Paradigm! Happy playing, happy trails, and all that good stuff :]
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[ viewing | June 8th, 2009 ]
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