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Monday, August 7th, 2017

    Time Event
    Grant Springs
    Grant Springs

    What makes a monster? Is it an accident of birth or a conscious decision? Most people don't think real 'monsters' exist. But with satellites that can see below ground and every person walking around with a camera in their hands, it is only a matter of time before the unseen becomes a stark reality. The question takes on a whole different meaning when things that go bump in the night turn out to be your neighbors.

    Grant Springs is an original, modern supernatural game set in a fictional city in Wisconsin. Players must be eighteen or older to join because of the mature themes that will be explored in the game. Personal plots are more than welcome but we will be focusing on the political implications of the existence of supernatural creatures.

    Game opens at ten characters or five players, whichever comes first.

    Rules & Setting & Mod Dropbox & Want Ads&Apply & CREDIT

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