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Sunday, July 16th, 2017

    Time Event
    Parallel Lines
    a murder mystery on social media
    PARALLEL LINES is a brand new original character game!

    Fandom is a beautiful thing, an escape from reality. A chance to chat to people from all around the world about a shared passion.

    In this case, your love of the show Parallel. The new season is about to start and the online community you are part of is hotting up once again.

    The Parallel community is a tight one, especially the little corner you have found. Active forums that spread out across a range of social media. Regular meetups that take place throughout the year, for those who want to get away from the screen.

    Only, there's a darkness stalking this corner of the 'net and people are starting to die. There's a killer in your midst and you have no idea who will be next.


    Looking for:
    Diverse cast of characters
    Active players
    People who want something a bit different


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