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Saturday, May 13th, 2017

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    The Blessed Realm has been united in peace for over 500 years. The royal family has ruled from their seat in Arcadie, and seen the lands settle in harmony and prosperity, comfortable in the knowledge that there is no power great enough to challenge them. But now it just may be that the enemies are not just inside the walls, but inside the royal family itself.

    Three princes; the heir and the spares. Custom and law both rule that it is the eldest that inherits – but in the rare case of multiple births, the lines become blurred. When the triplets were born, the kingdom rejoiced. Surely, it must be a blessing from the Creator.

    The princes are grown now. The king is dying. Which prince will be your king?

    Watchers, Please is a high fantasy game for original characters, with a variety of genre influences. We offer many different social classes and character races to play with, as well as the option between adoptable pre-made characters and original character creation.

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