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Thursday, April 14th, 2016

    Time Event
    New Dublin

    New Dublin is a harbor city that has been plagued by gang war for much of the past ten years. Five main groups rose up, each started for different reasons and each have evolved from a few people into much larger entities which control much of the cities nightlife.

    Many groups grow fast and die out equally as fast, but the smart ones stick around longer. Each gang has different reasons for being; some for profit, some for security, while others act as guardians for their territory there are some who act as thieves. The tensions between the gangs are harsh and one member caught in another’s territory without a pass is met with severe punishment.

    There are smaller gangs but the main five control the greater area of the city. These five came together three years back and created something of a treaty. They all agreed that the wars had come to the loss of to many lives and thus some sort of peace was needed.

    In a city where an unsteady treaty is the only thing that binds the gangs in peace, who do you pledge loyalty to? Or are you one of the brave who stands the middle line? Where tech is big, crime is high and brotherhood is more important than blood, where do you call home in New Dublin?

    The game is currently in PREJOIN. Looking to open in May. (That or if we get 5 players or 10 characters)

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    [info]newdublinrp | [info]newdublinnet | [info]newdublinooc


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