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Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

    Time Event

    The world goes into chaos, one infected at a time.....

    It started in Alberta, Canada. The virus known as Demento was nothing to fear back then but since, it''s grown and evolved to be something terrifying. Now, almost every week there's new countries where there are infected and recently there have been reports of the dead coming back to life.

    It's a time of high tension as people fear for their lives, going about their daily activities in hopes that they don't catch the virus and go out like those who have endured it so far. There are the zombie survivalists who believe an apocalypse is coming, and then there are those who think it can be cured. Take us to Chicago, IL, our game setting. Where the people of the windy city are just trying to avoid getting sick in their closed, cramped space. Can they manage? What are you doing in the last days before shit hits the fan?

    Quarantine Zero is a pre-apocalypse zombie game that will eventually become the apocalypse. Game opens with 6-10 applications.


    check the journal for all else

    code available at quibblercons....

    [info]alexanderbennet seeking out active writers, wanting to try out a new community based around people with psychic abilities, living in a small town? This might be the place for you. All other non-psychic ability characters are also wanted and welcomed! Check out our wanted post to see if you can fill any lines.

    You should join, all the cool kids are doing it! Make sure you reserve your PB here to assure no one snags them up.

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