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Thursday, October 15th, 2015

    Time Event
    One Foot In

    + APPLY + WANTED +

    No one was ready for it when the fanatic occultist group Ordo Templi Orientis revealed the truth about vampires to the world five years ago. At first, the public didn't believe and centuries-long rivals, the Templar Knights, did their best to keep the supernatural world a secret. The Templars, despising this new faction and the image they portrayed to the public, set out to stop the extremist group at all costs and protect the secrets kept by the supernatural. However, the extremists of Ordo were all to eager to show the world these supernatural monsters. Worldwide, vampires were forced to register with their governments or risk being hunted, legally.


    Carpe Diem: A Harry Potter Based Multi-Fandom Game
    Carpe Diem

    Seize The Day

    For years terror and death plagued the United States. A legion of dark wizards, aligned to the most evil of witches, the Lady Nyx, wreaked havoc on their world. Sadistic and ruthless, they ruled the Wizarding community with an iron fist and even struck fear into the hearts of some Muggles. A valiant fight from brave witches and wizards brought about her end but some wait in the shadows for her return.

    Thirty years later, the death of Lady Nyx and the imprisonment and vanishing of many of her followers is but a history lesson to the students of Hogwarts. The world is finally at peace and a new group of students have enters Hogwarts, new cliques, new relationships and of course, new drama. Can they keep it together long enough to survive the school year, not to mention the oncoming darkness drawing ever closer?

    Will you seize the day? Apply for a wizard or witch and enter the world of wizards, witches, spells and songs. Original characters are welcome and encouraged. The game started on July 23rd, 2015. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

    Game started on July 23rd. APPLY TODAY.

    [info]carpediem_mods | [info]carpediem_rp | [info]carpediem_net | [info]carpediem_ooc
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