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Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

    Time Event
    The Ridgelands: A Borderlands Based RPG

    The 1970s had a lot of things going for it. Bell bottom jeans, disco music, Richard Nixon, aliens...

    What, you didn't hear about the aliens? Well, not many people did, actually. They were very good at cloaking themselves and blending into society. It took them years to settle in one place, though. Long enough that it was the 1990s before they were able to find Earth's most vulnerable spot and conquer the planet.

    After that, they got bored with their handiwork and abandoned Earth to go wreak havoc elsewhere. They left behind a few presents, though. Their own versions of our Earth animals. Vicious things, those are. Nasty and deadly.

    The humans who survived tried to recolonize several times. Eventually, they succeeded, finding relative safety and shelter in the southwestern United States - which they renamed the Dryridge Territory. Life was aces for a while. Or as aces as anything can be when society's in the shithole. The humans began to rebuild and repopulate and were otherwise occupied with rebuilding their world.

    It was the perfect time for a villain to make himself known!

    "Charming Jon" was an alien sympathizer for years. He wasn't into the whole "slaughter and enslave the human race" thing, but the "taking over and getting really really powerful" thing? Yeah, he was totally into that. Ever since the aliens up and left, Charming Jon has been building his own alien creature army. No, world domination isn't quite as impressive as it used to be, but every ruthless leader has to start somewhere, right?

    Word about Charming Jon's uprising has been spreading across Dryridge for the past couple years. People are either fighting with him or against him. How will this story end? In a ball of metaphorical fiery death and glory like every story seems to? Or will the stereotypical heroes lose? You can have a hand in seeing how it goes!

    Dryridge is an original dystopic RPG that borrows concepts from the popular Borderlands game series. Knowledge of the game is absolutely NOT necessary. We have plenty of original plots and concepts in mind to build onto this original landscape.


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