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Monday, August 5th, 2013

    Time Event

    Blame it on poor leadership, or America's need for excess. To claim ownership of those material things; the water and land and resources. That which wasn't always ours to gather up and put our name on. This wasn't just our world to use up, abuse and strip and mine. As humans, we were doing little to make a better world for all that we were taking.

    The Authority, as we would come to know them, took matters into their own hands. A collective representation of species more evolved than our own has taken our freedoms from us. For our own good. Humans are now with purpose, be it for food or labor, companionship or entertainment, they have been tagged and gathered up. And auctioned to the highest bidder.


    PremiseHeld/TakenApplication WantedFAQsSpecies/World


    Ten years after the events of Persona 4, Japan is a very different place.

    Threats from without have led to a push for unity within, as society seeks to retreat to an earlier, simpler time--hammering down all the nonconformists along the way.

    Meanwhile, the Japanese government has secretly seized the Kirijo Corporation's Shadow research for "national security purposes", and continues to further it for unknown ends of its own.

    And now, in April of 2023, the Chitoku Academy for the Gifted has opened its doors. A government-run school for "future leaders of society", it serves another, greater purpose: gathering those with the potential to wield the power of Persona under one roof. A few select members of the inaugural class will soon be learning the real reason for their presence at the school...

    Harmonize is a new OC-only Persona 3/4-compliant RP. All players are welcome, regardless of Persona knowledge!

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