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Friday, June 7th, 2013

    Time Event
    In April of 2013, the Eighth World Wonder—a moderate sized luxury liner with room for 1,000—gave away 80 seats for free.

    What was supposed to be a calm, relaxing vacation of a cruise turned into a hellish nightmare when the ship accidentally sailed into what sailors refer to as the Devil's Square. No ship, no plane, no helicopter that ever enters the Square ever returns; no one that enters the perimeter ever reappears.

    The survivors have been on the island for almost a month now. Attempts to make contact with the mainland have failed. Attempts to escape the island have failed. The natives of the island have become a known threat...

    Some are theorizing that the island is Purgatory. Others think it's cursed. The less religious and superstitious are questioning whether it's just a really long nightmare.

    Everyone seems to be in agreement, though.
    For now, no one is leaving this island.

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