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Thursday, June 14th, 2012

    Time Event


    An empty fairground. Nothing has been there for years.

    And the one morning, tents appear even though no one said the circus was coming to town. But there's something different about this circus. The tents are black and dark red and look worn-out and decrepit. And even though the rides are being put together, no one is ever seen on the grounds. How strange. Something feels wrong...

    But at night, these things are forgotten as the lights brighten up the sky, as the carousel music fills the air, as the screams from the haunted house pierce the joyful atmosphere. The carnival flourishes with activity as the rides go on into the night and the shows open up to those who dared to visit. The large tent beckons the excited patrons indoors where they'll see a show like no other - tightrope walkers, ladies swinging from trapezes, lion tamers and stunt drivers, illusionists. It's hard to believe that the performers are mere humans.

    They are, aren't they?

    Carnevil is a dark/horror game that centers around a traveling carnival ran by supernatural/mythological creatures. Most story-lines will be mature and dark in nature. Come one, come all to the scariest show on earth.

    OPENING JUNE 29th!
    Premise - Rules - FAQ - Taken Characters - Wanted Characters
    Taken/Held PBs - Species - Carnival Information - Application


    and not much is left

    On Christmas Day 2012, four days after the scheduled “end of the world” panic, the world came to a screeching halt. An asteroid, larger than any that had come into contact before, struck the moon, knocking it out of its place in orbit and just a bit closer to the Earth.

    The resulting events were catastrophic, Tsunamis buried whole cities, even states in a matter of moments. Earthquakes killed millions. Volcanoes all around the world, spewed hundreds of tons of ash into the skies, blocking out the sun and turning the world a bleak shade of gray.

    Then the madness started, no one knows what caused it, some speculate that it was a result of the lack of sunlight or lack of food. But people turned on each other, killed each other and then ate them. Kuru, a disease first discovered in Papua New Guinea, had reached the United States. These people in the latter stages had become so unstable, that they attacked people at random and with a ferocity that had never been seen before

    That was months ago and now for a small band of survivors who’ve managed to make their homes in a small subdivision of duplex homes located in the heart of Blythville, things don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. Food is growing scarce, fuel is a rarity in and of itself, and time seems to be no one’s friend.

    Will you survive?
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    Game opens soon! Apply today

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