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Sunday, January 15th, 2012

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    Areldim: An OC Fantasy RPG.
    Areldim is a world dominated by the perpetual conflict between mortals and the Ashai, a group of magic wielding immortals. Both sides have controlled the world at one time or another and both have constantly persecuted each other. Of course both sides blame the other for starting the conflict and it has, at this point, become a continuing cycle of revenge.

    Presently the mortal Nashaarian Empire controls most of the world and wages a war against Abraxes, the one mortal nation where the use of magic for all things is permitted. The Ashai, meanwhile, lost their most recent attempt at an empire to the Nashaarians about 15 years before our story begins, and they are persecuted, imprisoned, and in hiding, but still aspire to one day regain everything they've lost.

    There are other races, of course, such as the Isha, a group of beings who long ago made a blood pact with the dying race of dragons and who helped mortals rise up and defeat the Ashai the first time.

    Areldim is a small-scale, OC-only (I can be flexible about this, see the post I linked to below) fantasy RP set in a Renaissance Era-style world with magic and other races. The game is friends only, but those interested in joining should send me a PM and/or post characters they might like to play in THIS post. Comments are screened for privacy, since we're talking about OCs here. Everyone can have up to 4 characters.

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