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Saturday, September 11th, 2010

    Time Event
    Chromalys: The World of Colors


    It all began with white and black. Two primordial, once multicolored, gods, Absas and Abbos, worked together to create the planet Chromalys and, later, Chromatics, the colorful mortal humanoids. With Chromatics came each race, each one of the seven colors.

    Upon their creation and the creation of the Spectral Court, a pantheon of gods to watch over Chromatics, the two were stripped of their colors and left as white and black. Creation and destruction.

    It is now nearly ten thousand years after creation of Chromatics and each race is now thriving in their own way, culturally. Come and immerse yourself in our culture and myth-rich world of colors. Come and visit the world of Chromalys and see what more it has to offer.

    Chromalys: an entirely original semi-modern fantasy/mythological roleplay.
    PG-13 | No word count | Traditional application

    Somewhere, over the rainbow...

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