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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

    Time Event

    Holds & Taken Rules FAQ Apply

    Game starts as soon as we have 3 more characters!!
    Seeking a partner for the following line on AIM
    AIM: Dubangoelite IM me directly on AIM.

    Susan Dunstan is a new teacher at such and such a High School. She's a feminist, brilliant, strict, and really doesn't take any bullshit from anybody. Within only a few years, she already has seniority to teach whatever classes she likes, and is the head of the English department. Her colleagues say that within another few years Susan will knock the current principal out of his spot, and run the school.

    In addition to not wanting to lose his job, the Principal (Named, say, Robert), really isn't fond of Susan. He's privately a bit of an old-fashioned type, in that the woman should be in the home. Before he got to his current position, he was a science and Psychology teacher, and extremely good in his field--Robert has an enormous amount of talent, drive, and, indeed, patience.

    After some rumination, he comes up with a brilliant idea: Mental manipulation. Personality Reprogramming. Brainwashing. He doesn't like who Susan is, and he's going to change that. Use whatever means necessary-- drugs, conditioning, manipulation--anything to mold the teacher into his view of a woman. And she will never, ever be the same.

    Okies! To start with, I'm aware that this isn't completely scientific and brainwashing requires blah blah blah. Quite honestly, if you were looking for strict realism, you probably wouldn't be here, hmm? It's true that this isn't accurate, but, in my opinion, it makes for a more engaging storyline.

    What I'm looking for, in this case, is a complete change: Appearance, personality, memories, name, voice, everything. If the Susan of before and after were to meet in some timey-wimey situation, they'd be absolutely nothing alike. At all.

    Some ideas for 'steps' to take, now!

    Secretary. Every good principal could use one of these, hmm? And if it's somebody as dastardly and perverted as Robert, well, who knows what could happen with that. Probably something smexy.

    Wife: This is the big one. Imagine a hypersexualized version of the stereotypical version of a 1950s-era housewife. June Cleaver on some serious aphrodisiacs. It could be a lot of fun as the end product, I think.

    Pregnancy/Weight Gain: Not only are these one of the few times I might be interested in these things, but I think it could be really awesome. Just a more 'womanly' figure, really. Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

    Fiction/Historical: What funner way to break down somebody's sanity? Let's just imagine what Susan would be like as a Bond Girl. Or maybe singing in some seedy nightclub, or as Princess Leia. Perhaps going further back, even, and giving her the impression she's a Victorian-age lady, or a French Aristocrat, a princess, or Cleopatra. Possibilities are endless.

    I'm totally up for ideas, though. Oh--and, of course, the names are just placeholders. As per usual!

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