original character rpgs!
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Sunday, May 16th, 2010

    Time Event
    The Hollows: an original character rpg

    The Turn of the 1960s brought about a change that no one could have expected. Thanks to a deadly virus, civilization would have disintegrated were it not for one simple fact: Humans were not alone. When they realized that their numbers equaled what was left of humanity, Inderlanders--as they called themselves--stepped into the light. Witches, vampires, werewolves; they were all real and they had been living next door the entire time.

    The Hollows is an original character supernatural RPG that takes place in an alternate universe present day. The RPG, which is both plot and character driven, takes place in the city of Cincinnati. Humans and Inderlanders live side by side, some more peacefully than others.



    Welcome to the end of what you knew, and the beginning of the new world order.

    We're The Collective, and we'll be your travel guide to the apocalypse.

    The world is in trouble. Technically, it's been in trouble, and for quite some time now. People are just starting to catch on to the fact that things are screwed. The whole place, it's never going to be the same, and the majority of the earth's population? They're all scrambling, boo-hooing about how no one knew, and they're just now dealing with this shit.

    Well, we knew. We've always known. And while everyone else is busy running around like chickens who've just got slaughtered but don't know it yet--we're doing something about it. We've always been doing something about it. We're that organization that conspiracy theorists knew was there but never had the name right on. We are not your government. We are those people who show up, take control of a situation, and learn all we can from it. We're not the men in black, but we're damn close.

    We are The Collective. And we know what everyone else told you was bullshit. We know the truth, and we're here to save your ass, even if you're too busy playing catch up to do it yourselves. You might not like our methods, but someone's got to quell the tide, and no one else is stepping up. We are sending ARC units your way. Archive Research and Containment. Try to stay out of our way.

    ♦Looking specifically for members of The Collective! Looking for ARC unit operatives! Also, we're searching for residents of developing areas of the game, including Manhattan, Manchester and Colorado. All types currently available and wanted! Join Today!♦

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