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Friday, February 12th, 2010

    Time Event
    Epitaph: A New Game

    The end of the world is no longer nigh - it's already here...

    All around the world, society seems to be falling apart, civilisation crumbling. The modern world is tearing itself apart under the weight of a reality it has denied for so many years. The reality that the supernatural does actually exist.

    It exists and some of it is actively aiding that downfall as people wake up for find that they're voted demons into office, that their laws and structures were made by the things that really do go bump in the night. Mob rule has taken down some places in the world, and global communications are failing quickly.

    But some areas are holding out, trying to keep it together. Communities who are standing side by side, willing to fight to preserve their way of life. But what is their way of life? Who gets to decide that? And does 'supernatural' automatically mean bad?

    What do you think?

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