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Friday, January 22nd, 2010

    Time Event

    Fae know best

    Or, at least, that's what they think. But then again, this isn't even their world - they've just always been here. Quietly, almost invisibly over the last few centuries, sure, but here notheless.

    At least, until the world started to go to hell. Then they disappeared, vanishing from the world just as quietly as they lived in it. For some months it appeared they were gone forever. Then they started to reappear, and it was clear that they hadn't abandoned the world at all.

    They had withdrawn, regrouped, and now they were back, with an aim in mind - to stop the end of the world, even if they had to take it over to do it. Yet there's is a long term plan that is just at the beginnings. The fae who have yet returned to the world are the scouts, the messengers, feeling out how the world is falling apart, and what is being done about it. And this time they're not bothered about hiding, but they're not telling that the most powerful of the fae are still being kept in reserve...

    The battle has begun - the question is, who will win? And what side will you be on?

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