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Friday, October 30th, 2009

    Time Event

    THE YEAR IS 2059. Mandatory genetic screening has been in effect for over sixty years.
    Every day, all over the world, children testing positive for the genetic phenotypes associated
    with homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality are removed from their parents and relocated
    to walled-off sub-districts of major cities by the global theocracy. Families are destroyed, lives
    irrevocably altered. Within the Districts, LGBT individuals are governed by a set of restrictions
    and privileges bestowed based on their socioeconomic status. Some are apathetic, some despair,
    some are even reasonably content -- and some are angry. Very angry. Maybe it's only a matter of
    time. Sure, most of the populace is complacent, but echoes of dissent are popping up everywhere
    these days. Some of them aren't afraid of doing what it takes to be heard. Where do you stand?
    With the silent, downtrodden majority? With those who believe that working from within the system
    is the only way to defeat it, that small victories will eventually add up to the big one? Or are you
    with the hardliners, the rebels, the ones ready to set the world on fire to get their point across?

    SHAKEN AS WE ARE is a referral-based LGBT rpg set in a dystopic, near-future
    Chicago modified by more than a hundred years of alternate history. We're a small, relaxed
    game with an emphasis on community feeling, well-developed characters, and good writing.

    SHAKEN AS WE ARE is holding open registration from Oct 30 through Nov 8!

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