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Monday, October 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Eidolon City

    ~*Eidolon City*~

    The RPG

    Eidolon City
    Beginner's Guide


    Character Directory
    Character Types

    Most Needed Characters

    Player Needs
    City Needs
    Definitely not...

    They're the ones who are all around us, part of a last thread holding the end back. They just don't know that. Yet. Welcome to Eidolon City, a place of the highest heights and the lowest lows. Where crime and corruption are more commonplace than morality and decency. Where figures from humanity's collective unconscious roam the streets, playing their own roles in events.

    We're looking for players interested in a game that's something different from the norm, an altered take on a lot of different concepts. We've incorporated fairytales, mythology, literary figures and dreams, putting them into a noir setting full of mafia families and corrupt city officials.

    If anyone has any questions, ask here!
    Anything else? Email us at: eidoloncity@gmail.com

    Opened recently, looking for new players! Join today>>>>>

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