original character rpgs!
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Monday, August 24th, 2009

    Time Event
    Alternate University - Original Character, AU game
    | rules | holds | application | characters | expectations |
    Game opens at 12 characters or September 12th!



    It was a quiet day on the campus of E. Paul University as Professor Reed experimented in his lab below Verne Hall Dorm. The teachers and teachers assistants that were a mere floor up and certainly the students living in the numerous floors even above that had no idea what was about to happen. But when Professor Reed's experiment turned horribly wrong seemingly everyone was affected. The tear in the dimensional fabric of the universe sucked those who were in the building into it's vortex dropping them into an entirely different time and space. Now those who were affected must band together survive the shifting of their world and the new cultures and experiences that await them before the next world is the end of them all.


    So, you say, how does this game work?

    The tear in the fabric of the universe will happen roughly one week after the start of the game. The characters at that time will be pushed into an alternate reality where they will have to adjust to new social and cultural climates. What will this mean for you? We, as mods, will give a description of the alternate universe that you will be playing in and you will have to understand and play with the stipulations that universe brings along. In some cases universes will call for a particular social hierarchy (such as the jobs on a pirate ship or the class system in the Renaissance) and for these situations the mods will roll a dice (yes an actual dice) to assign jobs/classes. The idea is that things are always changing and that the characters have to adjust (or not adjust and maybe lose some marbles along the way) and that we're always playing fresh situations- so one month you may be the captain of a space ship and the next you may be a peasant scrounging for food in the Medieval England.

    Roughly once a month we will post a vote for the upcoming world shift and you as players are welcome (and expected) to vote for and/or suggest the next AU that we play in.

    Despite the movement of game time (which will be in "real time" according to our world, though the years will change depending on the AU) the movement of time in the original universe in which EPU exists will be moving much slower. Characters which are new to the game after the initial shift will start by walking into Verne Hall and suddenly find themselves in the AU that the game is currently playing in.

    As we shift worlds, your characters will gain ghost knowledge of where they are. Despite the fact that you play, say, an art major, if we shift into a space opera AU you will have an innate/intangible understanding of how to perform your job as the ship's captain or as we move into a fairytale village you'll know where you live and that the strange elf in your house is in fact your husband, while still being entirely self-aware as well.

    The use of NPCs will be greatly encouraged in this game as each world will come with a new set of people surrounding you. Ask your fellow players and mods to play NPCs for you or if you have an idea of a character you want to play briefly, then let the mods know.

    Note: For some yet-unexplained reason the blackberries that the school issues to students and faculty members seem to work even in worlds where there are no towers, though only on the school network. This means that your characters can post to their IJs and text each other- but only each other. There won't be any phone calls from home, any emails from your girlfriend across campus, and your friend's page isn't going to show Joey-from-History-Class.

    ARE YOU...?

    Are you tired of Harry Potter, X-Men, and Twilight? Do you want to try a sampling of different time periods and genres? Maybe you just want something new or love throwing your characters into AUs as much as we do! Alternate U is a community that values creative and friendly players who are interested in character development and trying something new. (Please note AU is NOT a panfandom RPG and the other worlds that will be visited will be genre/archetypes.)

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