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Sunday, August 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Eidolon City

    When you dream, what do you see?

    Welcome to Eidolon City - a place of contrasts, where nothing is quite what it seems and everyone has a goal. For some, that goal is simple: survival. For others: to succeed. To climb over the rest and come out on top. To be the next to rule.

    Do you have what it takes? Can you take up the challenge? Where will you place yourself, in the fight where the easy path isn't the path of 'good' and 'right' - in a city where two opposing mob families are locked in an eternal battle for supremacy and think nothing of crushing anyone and everyone who gets in their way, no matter who they are. Being on the side of right can prove to be very bad for your health.

    Eidolon City is a new game that opened recently! We are looking for a range of players, but currently we're mostly looking for members of the two mob factions which form the basis of the game! We have a few, but at the moment, we've got more cops, so mafia people, we need you!! There are lots of players looking for connections with theirs, join today!

    We're also looking for general cityfolk and have an active wanted list created by our players looking for in game connections, so it's easy to create characters who'll have an automatic in!!


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