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Monday, June 22nd, 2009

    Time Event

    There was once a time when the world accepted magic. Even worshiped and sought after those who wielded it. Today, that is a different story. Today sorcerers are living among the norm, hiding from oppressors and hunters that would try to capture their abilities for their own dark desires. In their state of hiding the families still hold to some of the old code, promising to protect those things mystical and magical. The time has come for war in Alloria, the magical plane of existence where all beings magical may live without fear. The elders have left to protect Alloria, leaving their eldest children as head of the family.

    Now that the families are together again, all penned up in one Vallistaire Manor, what mischief will begin? Will old ties be renewed or will the distrust erupt into a war between families? Will lovers find forbidden fruit?

    Come see the plot thicken.

    Mod Journal | Concept | | Rules | Application | Holds/Taken
    Between RPG is a game of the events between Firefly the show and Sernity the movie. We are OC friendly for other crews and Alliance members!

    We all know the stories from Firefly as well as the aftermath of Sernity; but what happened in between? What other Alliance members or cargo ships did they encounter? What other jobs did Badger have lined up for the Serenity crew? Did Saffron try to get even with Mal again? What has been happening in River Tam's mind?

    Join the crews of the Firefly world and find out!

    Still many canon characters open!!!!

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