Original Character Role Playing - May 31st, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 31st, 2016

[May. 31st, 2016|01:35 pm]


Inbox Rules & FAQ Apply Wanted

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...

Strange things have slowly started happening on Earth. Overtime it's getting worse. The secrets of the supernatural realm are threatening to be exposed changing Earth as we know it forever. With the hardships of The Great Depression and The Dust Bowl at their back door, people are starting to get desperate. Where will you find yourself amid all the chaos? Only time will really tell. So come one! Come all! To the Greatest Show on Earth. It's guaranteed to be the thrill of your lifetime. Even if it's the last thing you do, you'll want to see this show.

The Carnivàle: a fictitious GPSL based in the 1930s during The Great Depression. It's a supernatural community that takes place from a traveling Carnival's perspective. The World as a whole doesn't know very much about the supernatural yet, everything has been kept under wraps for centuries. Now things are slowly changing. Management is the one that's in charge of the whole show. He runs everything from the shadows. Speaking only through his right hand man Management knows everything about his Carnivàle. He knows who's going to be picked up, he knows what goes on within the confines of his property, he knows when people are going to leave. The Carnivàle will be traveling throughout most of the US on a constant basis with interesting things progressively happening along the way.

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