Original Character Role Playing - February 15th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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February 15th, 2016

How to: Hero [Feb. 15th, 2016|10:53 pm]



Present day Grand Rapids, Michigan. You’re ordinary. Some might say painfully so. Every day you wake up, go to work (or school, or find some place to loiter), go through the usual rigmarole, head home at the end of the day, go to sleep. Rinse, repeat. Day in, day out. Maybe your day is a bit more exciting than that, but it doesn’t matter. Everything’s about to change.

It’s winter time, bad weather is expected, but this… this is worse. This is something straight out of the fucking apocalypse. On February 1, 2016, your life will change forever. Those arguing semantics might say life is always changing. You point your finger at those people and kindly tell them to shut the fuck up. This is different.

Following the storm, you’ll come to discover something new about yourself. An ability, superhuman in nature. Are you a superhero? You wish, dude. You got a long way to go before you can even think about that possibility. No, you’re not a superhero, but eventually you could be. Or a supervillain. It’s all in how you decide to use this new found ability.

HOW TO: HERO is an original superhuman game based on the BBC series Misfits. Familiarity with the show is not at all necessary. From discovery, to deciding what to use the power for, to everyone in the world finding out about you, to potential fame and fortune, and everything in between, the game focuses on the story of ordinary humans becoming extraordinary.

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