Original Character Role Playing - February 9th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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February 9th, 2016

New OC supernatural game: City of Saints [Feb. 9th, 2016|01:34 am]


The Archangel Michael has been under a lot of pressure for...well, his entire existence. Still, it was a hell of a shock when he walked off the job, choosing to join Lucifer's side instead. With his ancient nemesis out of commission, Lucifer has been picking off his favourite island holiday spots, one by one: he started with Ibiza, swarming the late-night party crowds with demons. City after city went down, with armies of demons possessing the locals. Lucifer's not slowing down. Who's gonna stop him?

Well, it's not going to be God. The Almighty isn't taking calls.

Montreal is the next city on Lucifer's list. Home to a 17th-century vampire coven, a wealthy and powerful nephilim family, and a secret society of exorcists, the City of Saints has a dark underbelly, but it's here that the remaining archangels are taking a stand.

Join the forces of good, or revel in the chaos. This could get messy.

Open now!

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