Original Character Role Playing - October 30th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 30th, 2015

[Oct. 30th, 2015|04:58 am]


[info]coldcreekmod More apps and more people to play with would be amazing! If you're looking for characters you might want to play (if the premises and everything else is interesting to you), then check out the wanted list here.

Personally I'd like to have Edwyn's brother(23) and sister(19). They've all grown up in Cold Creek, each since birth. However they are as people is up to you, and PBs are open even though I'd like to see the sister as Nina Dobrev because I'm a walking cliche.

If none of this interest you, but you're still interested in the game, come in with your own character idea! There's already a few people to play with.
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