Original Character Role Playing - September 6th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 6th, 2015

Sorry, cross-posted [Sep. 6th, 2015|01:08 am]


Looking for a romantic interest line to come to [info]itsrydellhigh as this kid's eventual boyfriend.

Character's are sorted by type, I'm especially looking for someone in the Popular Crowd, possibly the jock for some good old fashioned contrast/opposites attract/something - PB open

Erin here is part of the Outcasts and 'the basketcase' so he's not necessarily an easy crush, but who is? Would love it if the jock fell for him first and was dealing with being gay but also being a jock and all the social hubbub that comes with it.

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Thank you!
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