Original Character Role Playing - February 15th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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February 15th, 2015

[Feb. 15th, 2015|07:13 pm]



*Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
*And sorry I could not travel both...

*One road leads you back the way you came, while the other brings you to a
*seemingly unsuspecting town on the coast of Maine. It’s idyllic at first glance,
*and it’s home, but even small towns have their dark corners.

*So are you...
******a small business owner, struggling to get by?
******an estranged local, returning to your hometown?
******a worker or patron at the island resort?
******a member or playmate at the adult club?
******an affiliate of the local mob family?
******a stranger trying to disappear from the world?

**I took the one less traveled by,
*And that has made all the difference.

*Wander no further and welcome to Lakewood Shores,
*an original character role-play game, set in present-day, coastal Maine.

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