Original Character Role Playing - June 8th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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June 8th, 2014

[Jun. 8th, 2014|09:16 pm]
Lakewood Shores
Premise Rules/F.A.Q. Dropbox Locations

Ever wonder what it is like to live in a small town? Think it would be cool to know just about everyone in your town? In a time when commercialization is slowly taking over the few small towns left, a small town can be a haven of peace and comradery or a slice of hell where everyone knows your business and there is no where to hide.

So where do you fit in? Did you grow up here and you know this place like the back of your hand? You know every secret and everyone there? Are you coming back from breaking from small town life and realising that maybe your life was where you left it all along? Are you starting a new life? Hoping that you can reinvent yourself into someone new? Whatever your reason, welcome to Lakewood Shores, a small coastal town in southern Maine.

Lakewood Shores is an original character role-playing game set in the fictional town of Lakewood Shores in the not so fictional state of Maine. Lakewood Shores welcomes all sorts of characters, from the very rich, to the very poor, to those who are hiding secrets and to those who just want somewhere to live and grow a family.

We are looking for writers who are friendly, who love to plot and write. We'd love you to move into Lakewood Shores and find your home.

Cast List Holds Wanted Apply
Now Open!
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