Original Character Role Playing - May 8th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 8th, 2014

[May. 8th, 2014|05:01 pm]

Where else would you expect to find what they call "the supernatural" these days? It's the only place we can hide where nobody thinks anything of it. There's always one logical explanation for whatever happens: it's just part of the show, nothing more than illusion, exactly what we want you to see. Go ahead and videotape it. There's no such thing as bad press, and advertising you don't have to pay for is nothing but good for business. Besides, we have people to take care of anything that gets a little bit out of hand.

[info]circusfolk is a supernatural genre GPSL that accepts all characters interested in playing in a sandbox style environment where the "unusual" is allowed to exist in the open. The traveling circus provides a backdrop meant to foster character interaction in a setting that is set apart from the "real world" while still having access to it.

We have no set species or rules for races, allowing players the freedom to make their own rules and play whatever supernatural characters they desire (including traditional supernatural races, mutant characters, aliens and others, or even the humans that have come, however accepting or uneasy, to live among them) in the style that most appeals to their individual tastes. All we ask is for balance, limitations, and a respect for difference. Otherwise, characters are free to come and exist as they are.
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