Original Character Role Playing - March 16th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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March 16th, 2014

[Mar. 16th, 2014|11:11 am]

The world is recovering from plague... but can they recover from themselves?

Forsilvra is a land filled with politics and power, violence and vows, death and disaster, love and lies, and murder and mayhem. Between the five provinces alliances are forged and broken, intrigues abound, and blood runs thicker than water. The nobility fight for power and wealth, influence and position. It is each house for his own, as remnants of a devastating plague leave this world with a boy king on the throne, surrounded on all sides by those who wish to manipulate him for their own gains. And as power changes hands from one man to the next, from family to family and lord to lord, the unrest that covers the land like a thick fog begins to show.

Join this world as an illustrious lord or lady, a gallant knight or a priest of the order. Explore the intricacies of court, the desert heats or the colds of north. Forge your own destiny, and change the face of Forsilvra forever.

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