Original Character Role Playing - March 7th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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March 7th, 2014

[Mar. 7th, 2014|02:38 am]



Crescent Cove, Maine. A coastal, maritime city with hundreds of years of history, established industry and a typical, if isolated, east coast city. Beneath its outwardly normal appearance, though, it harbors dark secrets.

The real city is the one seen in the corner of your eye, the momentary reflection in the mirror, the feeling of being watched on a lonely street. Founded by witches fleeing the horrors of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century, the city has always been a beacon for the supernatural. Today, vampires, werewolves, witches and other things without names live, work, plot and scheme alongside each other, not always aware of the other but always just under the notice of the mortal world. On the fringes, mortal hunters stalk the magical and the monstrous relentlessly, driven by obsessions both pure and tainted. Greater powers, still, influence events, and an impending feeling of fate hangs over the old buildings and creaking docks of the city.

Bound Secrets is a play-by-journal roleplaying game (RPG), with an urban-fantasy setting. It features daily activity, original storylines and an open-world format. We look for quality plotting, intelligent characterization and creativity in our players, ones who are willing to help build a fun, enjoyable story and community through active participation and friendly interaction. The game is managed by mods with decades of collective experience, and receives frequent updates in terms of species on offer, locations, plotlines and more.

We always welcome new players - check out the information provided, and if it sounds like something you’d enjoy, fire off an application or contact one of the mods if you have any questions.

Premise + The Journal + Contact Us

Disclaimer: Bound Secrets is an original group storyline that was expanded and transferred to insane journal. Elements of other properties are used for inspiration and reference only, with no claim made upon registered trademarks. The game moderators (mods) are Veronica, Jordan, Irish and James. We do not make a profit from anything presented in this game. Coding was provided by Irish. This ad is used for recruiting, and main play will be on the RP journal, located here.

[info]bound_mod | [info]bound_main | [info]bound_rp | [info]bound_ooc

Rules | F.A.Q. | Premise | Held List | Wanted Characters | Taken PBs
Vampires | Werewolves | Witches | Demons | Hunters | Humans | Fae | Shifters | Phoenix | (F-Locked)Friends Button | (F-Locked)Contact List
Locations | Glossary | Game Recaps | Code Directory | Site Map

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[Mar. 7th, 2014|09:21 pm]

Spirits of the Earth</b> is an original medieval high fantasy role-playing game set in a large and diverse world, focusing primarily on the lively continent of Le'raana.

Here you will find exotic city-states and thriving kingdoms, miles of untamed wilderness to explore and untold adventures to discover. It is a world where magic runs wild even while some try to tame or outlaw it, where humans brush shoulders with fae and shifters and dragons alike, and where old ways are forever at odds with new.

Here gather the highborn and low, the fettered and free, the innocent and corrupt, to tell their stories...


  • No word counts! Long posts, short posts, rapidfire, everything in between? Go for it!
  • Going strong since Dec. 13th, 2000. This game will never die on you!
  • Always active and forever friendly! IC posts made every day.
  • Epic, growing world that you can contribute to directly.
  • Laid back, drama-free community.
  • Tons of countries, cultures, and locations for you to explore!

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[Mar. 7th, 2014|09:42 pm]




Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.

Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.

Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having done your homework.

Just off the coast of Maine, there is a fabled and mysterious school: the illustrious St. Margaret's Academy of the Gifted. It is one of the best and most exclusive private schools in the world. Their staffing is excellent, their exchange students are polite and well-spoken and their sport teams bring home plenty of trophies. What is not particularly well-known, however, is how they select their students.

There's a reason for that. St. Margaret's only takes in students that have been touched by the supernatural. There are, of course, the usual suspects - vampires, werewolves, witches and psychics - but there are rarer creatures as well: currently, the school also boasts a djinni, a siren and a banshee, and there's even rumors of there being a dragon... All of them are welcome, as long as they're sentient teenagers who do not feel the need to eat human beings. At St. Margaret's, they will receive an education of the highest standard, while also learning how to integrate themselves flawlessly in the human world without giving the secret away. Enroll your progeny today!

St. Margaret's is a fresh, open and slightly off-beat supernatural high school RPG that features Original Characters and focuses creativity, player input and story-telling. If that seems like you're cup of tea, come join us! We've just wrapped up our winter plot (The Wrath of the Wendigo) and are now moving forward to new plots! Will you be there for the second semester?

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