Original Character Role Playing - June 20th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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June 20th, 2013

An Arrange Marriage Game Opening on Dreamwidth [Jun. 20th, 2013|04:11 pm]
Who knows the circumstances behind your engagement? Who knows how you came to be wed to a person you barely, if at all, know? Your circumstances may have come by a series of family misfortunes. Perhaps you’re the son or daughter of a billionaire who wants to tame you. Maybe you’re running from your past and a contract marriage is the only way to hide what you’ve done. Perhaps you just wanted a green card. Either way wedding bells are in your future, but how long will the honeymoon period last? That’s for you to decided. After all, who said marriage was all bliss?

Welcome to Arranged, an OC arranged marriage community where happiness is what you make it.

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