Original Character Role Playing - May 1st, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 1st, 2013

Remnants of the Earth - sci-fi fantasy goodness. [May. 1st, 2013|12:15 pm]

Remnants of the Earth is an original sci-fi fantasy RPG. Venture into the dystopian nation of Aedolis, or carve a place for yourself on the frontier of newly-terraformed Edanith. Brave the lawless reaches of outer space or join the millions who live on massive space stations.

We've got no word counts, no activity requirements, and a quick and easy joining process to get you in the game immediately. The setting is really open, and storytelling and characters take center focus. We welcome players of all experience levels and original characters of all types!


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