Original Character Role Playing - April 13th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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April 13th, 2013

[Apr. 13th, 2013|01:27 pm]



Premise × Drop Box × Guidelines
Holds × Character List × Wanted × Application
Locations × Member Area × Activity

Hell's Reapers have been in Texas for a handful of decades. They were formed with the help of the Murphy family, a family who had deep roots with the IRA. It didn't take them long to spread across the United States and in to Ireland. Each charter protecting their cities and towns, living by the no women or children rule. They trafficked guns, laundered money and a few charters were elbow deep in drug muling.

The Reapers were brothers, some by blood, others by patch. Blood didn't always matter, of course. If you wore the Reaper on your cut, you were family. The ties were strong and if you wanted to turn your back, your cut was stripped and your ink blacked out or burned off. Betrayal didn't happen often, but some got a little too greedy. When people got greedy, they had a habit of getting sloppy. Reaper's didn't have to luxury of being sloppy.

With years of power and control, miles on their bikes, the Reapers are gripping tightly to the past. With a distracted president, alliances are starting to doubt their ties. Enemies are moving in on territories that were once under the control of the Reapers. The residents of Summerash, TX are starting to notice disappearances and the extra guns on their streets. The police are on high alert and the F.B.I. have their eyes on the Reapers and their families.


Summerash is a fictional town set in Texas near Galveston.
Hell's Reapers is loosely based on Sons of Anarchy.

Center of Hell × Hell's Reaping
Out Skirts of Hell × Meet the Reaper

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