Original Character Role Playing - October 28th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 28th, 2012

[Oct. 28th, 2012|11:01 pm]



and not much is left

On Christmas Day 2012, four days after the scheduled “end of the world” panic, the world came to a screeching halt. An asteroid, larger than any that had come into contact before, struck the moon, knocking it out of its place in orbit and just a bit closer to the Earth.

The resulting events were catastrophic, Tsunamis buried whole cities, even states in a matter of moments. Earthquakes killed millions. Volcanoes all around the world, spewed hundreds of tons of ash into the skies, blocking out the sun and turning the world a bleak shade of gray.

Then the madness started, no one knows what caused it, some speculate that it was a result of the lack of sunlight or lack of food. But people turned on each other, killed each other and then ate them. Kuru, a disease first discovered in Papua New Guinea, had reached the United States. These people in the latter stages had become so unstable, that they attacked people at random and with a ferocity that had never been seen before

That was months ago and now for a small band of survivors who’ve managed to make their homes in a small subdivision of duplex homes located in the heart of Blythville, things don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon. Food is growing scarce, fuel is a rarity in and of itself, and time seems to be no one’s friend.

Will you survive?
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