Original Character Role Playing - March 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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March 27th, 2012

Forsaken: the Prophecy RPG [Mar. 27th, 2012|09:08 am]



You know those feathers that girls are wearing in their hair these days? They may not just be a fashion statement in Babylon. I hear that the children of angels sometimes have real feathers in their hair. Guess we'll never know for sure.

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A Modern Mutation Story [Mar. 27th, 2012|12:44 pm]

perfectly normal

Something strange is happening in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania.

About a month ago, a small segment of the population began noticing that something was amiss. Weird and unexpected things were happening to people. Lights would go on when somebody sneezed. The mailman who had been bald for as long as anyone could remember regrew his hair over night. Weather patterns became unpredictable. All of the happenings were little things, to be certain, isolated events that were chalked up to coincidence or blatantly ignored by the masses.

But those that the happenings are happening to are beginning to notice that they're neither so few and far between nor are they so easily disregarded. Some are gaining the abilities to do things. Others are finding that their appearances are changing. More have yet to realize that there’s anything even slightly amiss with them, though they probably won’t get to enjoy that for long.

All that those who are changing have in common is that they ate at Gracie’s, a popular local diner with a fifty year history, recently. Not every person who ate there is experiencing symptoms, and those who are certainly didn’t all eat the same thing. The frequency with which they ate there isn’t even showing any correlation. On the whole, those people who are noticing strange occurrences don’t even know that they’re not the only one affected. It’s all just another one of life’s great mysteries.

One fact remains certain: the option to remain perfectly normal is clearly off the table. How will you respond to a world where your everything is changing while everyone else seemingly remains exactly the same?

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[Mar. 27th, 2012|08:10 pm]



Come join our new Original Character game where small town life clashes with Hollywood. Portage, WI is home to the filming of a hot tv show so we have roles for everyone from townies to lead actors. Now open!

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