Original Character Role Playing - February 23rd, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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February 23rd, 2012

New member! [Feb. 23rd, 2012|12:03 pm]

an original experiment au and pb rp

A free vacation to a tropical island resort? This must really be your lucky day! Except that nothing in life is free, and if it's too good to be true, it usually is.

what's really going on...
Scientists are always eager to make progress in their research, but who would be willing to offer themselves as a human guinea pig?

And thus, the scientific social experiment known as Program Genesis was born. The world's top researchers in reproductive medicine and professors of cell biology have come to work together with prison wardens to fake dozens of deaths and relocate these 'deceased' to Cambiare Island. The goal is to produce and observe the structure of a self-sufficient all-male society. The program is funded by private investors in collaboration with the United States government and staffed by willing, competent professionals.

As for the test subjects? Well who's better to do the job than someone who's officially dead and buried? So either suck it up or swim with the fishes. Besides, with all the comfort that the island provides, it's not that bad...

Cambiare is a one of a kind, dark-themed experiment au and pb game, set on an island in the South Pacific that's something of a blend between a tropical resort and a penal colony.

Slash, het and femslash friendly. MPREG-based, this game offers something for everyone. You can play a staff member or a recruit. All male recruits, female characters are welcome as staff members. AIM and threading friendly. The mods encourage interaction in the form of different planned events and group chats.

We open with 10 applications!

[ viewing | February 23rd, 2012 ]
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