Original Character Role Playing - January 7th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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January 7th, 2012

Ye Gods! [Jan. 7th, 2012|01:38 pm]



In centuries past, mortals believed in superstition. They believed in gods. They believed in magic. As human civilization evolved and fewer people chose to believe in the otherworld, the mist grew thicker and the parallel worlds more separate. Mortals were blessed (and cursed) to see only what they wanted to see. They went about their business unaware that the gods were still very much around and pulling the strings.

With worship waning, the gods found that they had to think of new ways to increase their power and influence. They turned to their mortal children - their demi-gods. However, lately, greater problems have arisen. The forces of darkness and chaos are rising, threatening the very fabric of existence. Who will succeed? Who will stand for goodness and light, and who will be the harbingers of darkness and chaos?

[info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. We're a small plot-driven, log heavy game with super friendly players and a lot of activity, so join today! Join us and experience the adventure, intrigue, and excitement of Ye Gods!


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Forsaken: the Prophecy- an Angels vs. Demons RPG [Jan. 7th, 2012|04:15 pm]


"And it shall come to pass that upon the end of a half century that the angels shall righteously destroy the devils of Hell and shall cleanse the earth of pestilence and plague. They may return and rejoice in heaven forever if in righteousness shall angels smite the devils of Hell. Each moon shall allow a battle upon the soil of the earth, at the end of the day and the beginning of the next. The just shall prevail, for no angel should bring death upon a devil without testament of guilt. And if in the end shall devils, in rage, smite the angels they may reign as Princes while angels turn to dust."

Which side will you choose?

  ■Game Site
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The Immune: A Zombie Apocalypse RPG [Jan. 7th, 2012|07:11 pm]


Food: scarce.
Water: scarce.
Electricity: solar powered and weak.
Comfort: minimal.
Safety: nonexistent.

Welcome to New York City, 2019. Population: last recorded at just over 2,500.

The outbreak has ravaged the city for six years now. The infected population now outnumbers the human population 10:1. Every day feels like a losing battle.

People still fight. There are still pockets of resistance; folks who have been determined to be immune to the virus, people who aren't immune but have things to offer and people who know that it's best for them to run and hide. Those people are too strong to die, too brave to give in.

For those brave enough to fight, just living day to day is occasionally a struggle. They're fighting to benefit a government who looks out for their own survival before the survival of the remaining citizens. Even the strongest people break every day.

But a rebellion is coming. Government vs. survivors vs. zombies.

It's time for change.


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