Original Character Role Playing - December 2nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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December 2nd, 2011

[Dec. 2nd, 2011|02:56 pm]


Hi there's a new community opening up called [info]casagrandemod and I'd really like to bring some lines in for my girl piper here. Is there anyone on the interwebz interested?
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(R)evolutions: A Superpowered Town RPG [Dec. 2nd, 2011|04:59 pm]


High school: the best and worst of times - especially if you can move things with your mind, shoot fire from your fingertips, or lift up a car with one hand. Welcome to Tranquility, Pennsylvania, just another ordinary small town in a post-evolutionary world. Tensions are running high as, one by one, the powered students are outed and the anti-powered sentiment strengthens. It’s been thirty years since the Powered People’s Protection Act was passed, yet the world is still filled with discrimination and hatred, and in a small town like Tranquility, things don’t change unless you force them to. One thing is certain: revolution is coming, and sooner or later, everyone is going to have to choose a side.


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The Immune: A Zombie Apocalypse RPG [Dec. 2nd, 2011|08:17 pm]



October 2018. It's five years after the pandemic began. The infected have taken over the world. They roam the streets like they belong there, clustering in the few places that humans still frequent. Electricity for the masses is a near-lost memory and now the only places that hold electricity are "safe havens" like shelters or churches. There are no more new cars or cushy apartments… right now every day is like a fight for survival.

There are small pockets of resistance; miniscule armies of folks called Immune, a government group put together of people who have been bitten but show no effects whatsoever of the virus. After an Immune has been discovered, they're involuntarily recruited to work for the government regardless of what their prior lot in life was, killing infected and supplying the non-Immune with food and things to get through day to day life.

New York was once known as one of the greatest cities in the United States. Now it's nothing more than a shadow of its former self; a strong shadow, however, that boasts of some of the most secure safehouses in the country. Here is where the greatest number of Immune reside. Here is the place where a new civilization is being born, but will it be the beginning of a new dawn?

Read our full premise.

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[Dec. 2nd, 2011|10:14 pm]



Vampires around here don't sparkle.

A hundred years ago, supernaturals 'didn't exist'. They were figments of your imagination, things that went bump in the night and tall tales that you told your children. Not anymore.

Supernaturals were in hiding, laying dormant and blending into the background in order to protect themselves, but during WWII, the need for their abilities became so great that hiding was no longer an option. The government had long been aware of the existence of supernaturals, and when Hitler was killed or died and the accounts of the death were so unusual they couldn't be explained, people started asking questions. Keeping supernaturals under wraps became impossible and so the different races of supernaturals exploded across the lands. Just like any other minority, supernaturals weren't welcomed with open arms. Many were persecuted and some even killed for being 'different'. There was segregation and hate crimes and many churches labeled being supernatural an abomination before God. Supernaturals had to register with the government and were prosecuted if they were found without their registration cards. Many supernaturals went back into hiding.

During the sixties, however, in the height of civil rights and love, peace and harmony, being supernatural didn't seem so bad in the grand scheme of things. There were vast civil rights movements and eventually laws were passed protecting supernaturals the same as other minority groups. Still, not everyone accepted people who were 'different'. Many supernaturals migrated to areas where they were more widely accepted.

Some may have moved right next door to you.

In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, moving into an apartment with a new roommate might mean that you're sharing a living space with a werewolf. Or maybe your son's new kindergarten teacher is an elemental. Or that girl you have a crush on in Algebra just might already know because she's a telepath. Things are still a struggle when it comes to acceptance and not everyone is happy about the path that the world is taking towards equality.

Where do you stand? Which side will you take?

Come join us at The Supernatural Next Door. We're currently seeking VAMPIRES!
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