Original Character Role Playing - October 24th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 24th, 2011

Join the Dragon Age! [Oct. 24th, 2011|01:08 pm]



Welcome to join insanejournal's longest running Dragon Age game!
We have Alistair, wonderfully talented writers, plot to die for (quite literally) and most of all we have fun.
TDA is for anyone who is looking for a oldschool threaded RP, focused on plot and character development. Currently we have several Grey Warden spots open.
What are you waiting for? Come save Ferelden with us!
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Aeterna Roma [Oct. 24th, 2011|09:19 pm]
Aeterna Roma – Eternal Rome

Welcome to Rome, the Eternal city. In a place where the streets are running thick with wine, blood, scandal, ambition, and lust, events happen so quickly that rising to power one day and falling the next is expected. Sweet words, honeyed speeches, and purses of money might milk your way to the top, but one wrong move and it's all over. This is a place where one forges alliances to survive and where enemies can seem as friends until they stab your back. A place where lust and wine are entwined so quickly that marriages are made and dissolved in months. A place where the new young Caesar fights his own Senate for power while trying to find those he can trust.

Welcome to Rome, the Eternal City.

Where will you go in such a place as this?

List of Features

Premium cbox, paid hosting with no ads!
Active & friendly OOC and IC community
Plenty of adoptables and canons available for play.
Allows and encourages original characters
Welcoming for those who have extensive knowledge about Ancient Rome or those who just want to have some fun online.

Rules | F.A.Q | Canons/Adoptables | Joining App | Ads/Affs

Aeterna Roma – Eternal Rome

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