Original Character Role Playing - October 15th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 15th, 2011

Ye Gods! [Oct. 15th, 2011|12:09 pm]



In centuries past, mortals believed in superstition. They believed in gods. They believed in other worlds. They believed in magic. The mist between the world of mortals and the realm of the gods was thinner then, and it was clearer where they overlapped. As human civilization evolved, and fewer and fewer people chose to believe in the other world at all, the thicker the mist grew, and the more separated the parallel worlds became. Mortals were blessed (and cursed) to see only what they wanted to see. They went about their business and fought their wars unable to see that the gods were still very much alive and still pulling the strings as they had done since the beginning of time.

Now, the gods use the children they have with mortals - their demi-gods - as chess pieces in their intrigues. This is where you enter. You are a mortal with a divine parent. You're not a god, but you are an important tool in their agendas. You may be that piece that stands between lightness, darkness, and utter chaos. What role will you play in this divine struggle?

[info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series.


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The Immune: A Zombie Apocalypse RPG [Oct. 15th, 2011|01:56 pm]




It's five years after the pandemic began. It spread quickly. England went first, then it spread to the rest of Europe, took the Middle East and spread to Africa. Russia went next, and from there it spread all throughout Asia. A boat of escapees from Japan effectively infected Australia, and although at this point, North and South America had closed off their sky and shorelines, it wasn't long before the seal was broken.

The infected have taken over the world.

They roam the streets like they belong there, clustering in the few places that humans still frequent. Electricity for the masses is a near-lost memory and now the only places that hold electricity are "safe havens" like shelters or churches. There are no more new cars or cushy apartments… right now every day is like a fight for survival.

There are small pockets of resistance; miniscule armies of folks called Immune, a government group put together of people who have been bitten but show no effects whatsoever of the virus. After an Immune has been discovered, they're involuntarily recruited to work for the government regardless of what their prior lot in life was, killing infected and supplying the non-Immune with food and things to get through day to day life.

Only the strong (or the Immune) will survive. Are you one of them?

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[Oct. 15th, 2011|09:26 pm]

In 2015 demigods started to emerge from every pantheon imagineable. Chiron and Lupa no longer wanted to keep both camps seperate and with help from some very generous grown demigods they were able to buy an island. It took years to build up but soon the island was ready and everyone seemed pleased. The Greeks stuck to the east while the Romans stayed to the west. In the middle there were restaurants, shops, schools and medical facilites. Everything veterans would need to raise a family if need be. They were free to leave at anytime they liked but the option to stay on a safe island and live out the rest of their lives without fear of monster attacks was there for them.

About The Game

Pantheon is a game where you can play a demigod from any pantheon. Want to play a child of Mars? Have at it. Want to play a child of Loki, Isis, Frigg, Susanoo, Baron Samedi, another pantheon not meantioned? You can! We'd like to focus on character interaction and character driven plot more then mod driven plot but we do plan on having both. Place your holds today, we plan on opening November 1st!

Wanted Characters

Everyone and anyone. Demigods, descendants of demigods. Demigods living normal life on the island. Shop keepers, teachers, college professors. We want you all!


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Mutations [Oct. 15th, 2011|09:40 pm]



Burlington, Vermont
Chittenden County
Est. 1865
Population: 42,417

Imagine yourself in a world where people can do amazing things. Imagine a world where by just walking down the street, you could be face-to-face with someone who can lift something ten times their own weight, someone who can run at the speed of light, or someone who can fly.

On the surface, Burlington, Vermont is an average city. It's not too big, but not too small. Not too busy, but not too boring, either. On the surface, it's the perfect place to live. So long as you don't mind the mutated.

The mutated are simply ordinary people with extraordinary powers, living all over the world. But Burlington seems to have a higher concentration of them. Of course, with a higher concentration comes an increased chance ofbehind-the-scenes drama. And boy does Burlington have it. Not only is there tension between mutants and "normies", but it's only natural that not every mutant will be "good."

Mutations is a game focusing on a town and its people, in a world where mutants have quietly existed since the dawn of mankind. Well...mostly quiet, anyways. As long as there have been comic books and people willing to write about them, heroes and villians have risen up. Where does your character fit in? Are they for mutants or against them? Good or evil? Or are they one of the folks who just doesn't care? Find out, and apply!

Game officially opens when we have 15 characters

Rules F.A.Q Holds Apply
Cast Powers Town Mod box
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