Original Character Role Playing - July 23rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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July 23rd, 2011

[Jul. 23rd, 2011|06:41 pm]


Looking for some lines for a few of my characters over at [info]sons_of_cain.

[info]starley is a very new vampire who works as a courtesan. PBed by Zooey Deschanel, she is a quiet and quirky young woman. She could use a romantic line, something to distract her from her fear of being a new vampire. Het or slash.

[info]jo_fairchild, PBed by Missy Peregrym, this one is a feisty werepanther who works as law enforcement. She doesn't trust easily, but once it's earned she's quite loyal. She's in need of a romantic slash line.

[info]sharpe_dressed, PBed by Sandra Bullock, is an OCD vampire who would love nothing more than someone who can not only tolerate her neuroses but maybe help her with them. Slaves, employees, childer or romantic lines. Het or slash.

[info]howling_sky, PBed by David Boreanaz, is the werewolf Chancellor for the lycan population. As such he has a stressful job and is a bit of a beast, in more ways than one, and he could use someone to calm it. Het line only.

[info]sangria_lustro, PBed by Joaquin Phoenix, is a vampire who could use a slave. He's pretty laid back and the slave would be more for companionship and sex than physical labor. Het or slash.
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