Original Character Role Playing - July 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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July 20th, 2011

[Jul. 20th, 2011|04:33 pm]
So, this is Masaaki!
He is here.

He's a nice guy though he might be considered odd. Anyway, he lives with his Mother, has a job at Starbucks and will be turning 19 in a few weeks. I'm hoping that someone would like to help me put together some good lines for him? Perhaps someone would be interested in picking up the character of his Mother?

If not, there are always the ideas for friend lines, maybe an enemy or someone whom he loves to argue with? Romance is always good as well, but I would like to see it develop in a natural way! Basically, it would be nice to have people his own age who like the same things as he does! You know : Video games, loud music, art, poetry, novels centered on stuff like fantasy, sci fi and horror, going to concerts, hanging out at malls, reading comics and manga, other guys - stuff like that!

So, if any of that sounds appealing to you - please let me know! He is sort of lonely in this world!
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