Original Character Role Playing - April 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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April 6th, 2011

[Apr. 6th, 2011|12:04 am]
It is the year 2111. A recent attempt to cure a rare brain cancer has resulted in the discovery of a shot that produces powers: Progenero. The government seized this drug immediately for its own uses, but not before it could be reproduced and altered. Progenero is now being sold on the street to anyone who wants it, good or bad, but the street version only lasts for a month at a time. The shot is all the rage and in high demand, but there are those who wish to cease its use altogether. The Adair Insurrection, led by Devi Adair, the First to receive powers, is fighting the government and pharmaceutical company to save the human race from the destruction this will lead them to.

What side will you join? Will you stand with the dealers and fight for powers to be available to everyone; with the government who wants to control the world for their own reasons; or with the Adair Insurrection to fight for the survival of humanity? It is time to make your choice and stand by it.

Premise | Cast List | Holds | Power List
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Game Opens with 5 characters!
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