Original Character Role Playing - January 15th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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January 15th, 2011

[Jan. 15th, 2011|01:53 pm]

The war is brewing in Englandā€¦

But what about the rest of the world? In the United States, the wizarding community is worried about the return of the Dark Lord just as much as those in England. Similar to the way things were when World War II was going on in Europe, things in the States are tense. They have heard the crack of the glass and they're waiting for the explosion. Parents worry for their children, for their futureā€¦

Students at The Ravenscrest Academy of the Magical Arts are preparing to go make their mark on the world, some ready to fight should they be called to fight the Dark Lord and others secretly hoping that he wins and that their magical world changes forever.

Which side will you be on?
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